Hoo, boy. What a season-ender! And what a controversy! I suspect your position on that one is likely tilted toward whomever you wanted to win the championship. There's certainly no limit to the opinions on the matter. So what were the Race Director's option? And remember, we're looking at this in hindsight. During that whole last lap my loudest thought was, “Well, Netflix is certainly happy.” I'll give you this: both drivers drove championship races. Both teams masterfully played the hands that were given to them. Your feelings - and they are feelings - on how the regs were managed throughout that race are very likely biased - colored - by your champion preference. We can reasonably debate the decisions made at the last F1 race. But we have the luxury of hindsight, and most importantly a lot of time - nearly forever time - to think about options and their potential outcomes. The Race Director did not have that luxury. Therefore, any criticisms should be done in context.
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