I'm stunned, sitting here on that fateful Friday thinking about it, while trying to forget it. I'm broken. I've seen all the tours since 1983, have all the albums (including Peart's Buddy Rich tribute), and have all the concerts on Blu-Ray. And yet I'm sitting here, utterly unable to select the right thing to play in tribute. Maybe, for now, silence is right. This one hurts. RUSH Like Page January 10 at 4:55 PM · It is with broken hearts and the deepest sadness that we must share the terrible news that on Tuesday our friend, soul brother and band mate of over 45 years, Neil, has lost his incredibly brave three and a half year battle with brain cancer (Glioblastoma). We ask that friends, fans, and media alike understandably respect the family’s need for privacy and peace at this extremely painful and difficult time. Those wishing to express their condolences can choose a cancer research group or charity
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