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Showing posts from 1997

An Interesting ASRS...

NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) report, dated 10 August 1997 This past week I attended our type-club convention in Bowling Green, KY (BWG), a 670-nm trip from BDR. I flew with a group of two other Tiger owners, and our one-fuel-stop VFR flight to BWG was uneventful. The performance of my Tiger was on par with my history of it, with average speed and fuel consumption were right where I expected it. I've owned my Grumman Tiger for 2-1/2 years and have flown it over 400 hours to date. I typically cruise at 6500 or 7500 feet MSL for best speed and fuel consumption, 130+ knots averaging 10.5 gph with 51 gallons of fuel useable. Most of my trips are within a 2-hour range of my home field (BDR - Bridgeport CT) so fuel usage has never been a concern. I always used my watch as a fuel gauge, switched tanks religiously, and always re-calculated and mentally updated my fuel consumption after every flight. The return trip, however, was not so straightforward. A warm front was movin