On "Microsquirting" the Porsche 914 - Part 11, Addendums and Updates Start Here for Part 1!!! ...or... Back to Part 10 Lessons learned and subsequent changes made. Figured I'd create a separate blog for "what I'm learning" and minor stuff. These are updated in reverse chromological order (latest ones first) so if you come back on occasion the newest ones will be on top. 12/01/24 Update I've decided to bail on the TB project...for a coupe primary reasons. One, I just can't dig up the motivation to start it. I got myself into a 968 in the Fall of '23 and have been working on that and not so much the 914 (it's running fine!) Two, with the light "EFI" cam I have in the engine, plus the stock exhaust, I don't think I would see a significant performance increase. It would be fun to see the difference, but I'm not motivated enough to be that curious. So, I sold off the parts I'd collected and we're just gonna enjoy it a...
When 140 Characters Just Isn't Enough...