Author's name withheld, to protect the (mostly) innocent.. Rule #1: Never fly with "Bob". I have an R-22 time slot on Saturdays, 4:30 to 6:30. This past Saturday Bob & I decide we want to fly down to the Miami downtown heliport. I'd fly down, Bob would fly back. Simple enough. The flight down was most enjoyable and precisely flown. The downtown heliport is a real neat trip, as you come in at 500ft or less, right over the cruise ships and south beach. We shut down and grabbed a quick soda. It's now getting pretty dark, the sun having just set over the skyline. "Bob" - not his real name - does a quick pre-flight then fires up. We do a max performance takeoff departing down Government Cut, right next to the cruise ships, hit the coastline and turn north. As we approach Ft. Lauderdale's airspace I tune in FLL tower getting ready to request transition. Just as I come on freq, I hear, "Ft Lauderdale tower, this is Coast Guard three four six zer...
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