2024 Highlights...and Lowlights Life: April '24 was the month that my unemployment insurance ran out and, faced with lack of interest in my resume along with insulting and broken job search processes, I gave our finances a deep review and made the decision to pull the ripcord and bail out of the market. I unofficially officially "pre-tired" on my 60th birthday. I'm not against accepting future employment, but I'm just not going to get on my knees and subject myself to that disaster of a process. It's really broken, y'all. I really do feel for young people looking for a job, a mate, and a house, because all three of those are being managed the same way now...swipe left, swipe right... But if I keep my eyes and ears open, then maybe I can meet that perfect employer through family, friends, and social contacts (I'm all set with the "mate" and "house" part, thx). We'll see. In the meantime... Racing: I didn't have a functional...
So...this is one of them family stories...and while I'm sure my family may "suggest edits" this is how I remember it... Raymond Resweber was my mom's uncle (by marriage). I'm not clear what that is to me and how many times twice removed or whatever, but we always called him "Uncle Raymond". A good man. Gruff and irritable at times, but now that I'm at my age I totally get it. Raymond lived a good life. He was responsible for the formation of the first volunteer fire department in Port Barre, LA in 1945 and was appointed Fire Chief of the second fire district in 1959, serving in that role for 18 years. He was on the Board of Directors for the town's second fire district and was the town's Civil Defense Director for 10 years, and then was later elected Mayor and then after that Alderman. Hell, he built his own boat cruiser from scratch and traveled the Bayous Teche and Courtableau in it. Ask any of the good people of that town and they likely ...