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On My Purgatory

On My Purgatory I'm convinced that when I die, whoever is in charge of my stuff is going to drop a nice big dumpster/container up my driveway next to my garage and just start chucking things in. And I'll be looking down (or maybe up) in horror, screaming " OH MY GOD DON'T THROW THAT AWAY DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS??? " and no one's gonna hear me. Since that's likely something I'll be forced to endure for the rest of eternity, I'm guessing that means I'll be looking up at it... - tGA
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On The 2013 Runoffs

 Memories are frangible, but this is how I remember it, 12 years later... The Swap In 2013 I was experimenting with various configurations in the Super Touring Light Integra. Its B18 (1.8L) engine gave me good service but in STL the compliant weight is dependant on displacement. I thought maybe I could do better with a lighter car powered by the B17 (1.7L), built up to maybe make comparable horsepower. So I found one and sent it to Blake to rebuild for me. Its debut was to be the 2013 SCCA Runoffs at Road America. But..."Road America" the USA's other dyno track (along with Daytona). You'd think that I would have considered that, but..."nope". I probably thought that the reduced weight (about 125 pounds?) would make up for that horsepower reduction but "nope". After three days of qualifying I realized that our B17 was the wrong horse for this course as we were three seconds per lap slower than the prior year and I was gridded in something like 13th.

An Interesting GTSB (Greg Transportation Safety Board) Report

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Photovoltaics Installation FAQs

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On "Accusumps"

(This is another blog in a series of thoughts/ideas that I commonly see, created as a placeholder for future reference so I don't have to re-write it each time. I totally understand the limited audience and for such a post, but I invite feedback from those who have interest in this arcane subject...) -------------------------------------------------- This was posted in response to someone inquiring about PDM control, pressure sensors, switches, valves to manage an Accusump in his race car... You're making this wicked too complicated...and significantly failure-prone. An Accusump (AS) is a passive hydraulic/mechanical oil pressure accumulator (thus, "Accu"sump). Its purpose* is to provide oil flow when the pickup tube in your engine becomes unported due to side loads oil "slosh" or flow away from it. First, note that an AS is a "BandAid" for a design flaw in your road race engine. That design flaw is the unporting of the oil pickup. The ultimate res

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On the One Lap of America 1997

Greg's and Rick's Excellent One Lap of America Adventure, 1997 Editorial note: this was written soon after completing the 1997 One Lap of America, as a series of emails to an audience of National Motorists Association members, state chapter coordinators, and activists. Recall that this is very shortly after the repeal of the 55 mph National Mandatory Highway Speed Limit, so not only was I relating my experiences of the event but also my impressions of how the country "was dealing with" the prospect of "thousands of deaths" that many opponents predicted (incorrectly, history records). Regardless, enjoy the write-up, it was fun do pass along! - Greg Well, having just returned from running the 1997 One Lap of America (and finally recovering) I can speak to the attitudes towards speed limits in at least 15 states. Most are pretty cool. The One Lap was designed to (ostensibly) run at legal speeds; our route book had specific routes and times. Even though this was