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Showing posts from February, 2025

Re: "Driving Me Crazy"

 Re: "Driving Me Crazy" Below is a "letter to the editor" I wrote to the author of a GRM article of the same title. So I see I'm not alone... I really thought I was; alone, I mean. You know, we're getting older, observing the world, not willing to take the chances we did before. Maybe, just maybe, the world's not changing, it's us - you and me - changing, slowly turning into that guy who drives the old Buick down the road, Fedora firmly attached, hands at 11:30 and 12:30 on the wheel driving at 20 mph slower than the prevailing speeds. Maybe it's just us. Getting old. You know? But the more I observe...the more I think it's not us that's changing, it's the world around us that's changing (stick with me here). And maybe that's the same perspective as the 11:30-12:30 o'clock Buick guy, watching the world changing around him, with his wife in the right seat screaming, "Harv, slow down, yer drivin' like a bat outta he...